Is It Hard To Ride An Electric Scooter? Tips For Beginners
Electric scooters are becoming more and more popular, as people are looking for a way to get around town without having to deal with the hassle of traffic. But is it hard to ride an electric scooter? And what do you need to know before you start riding one? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and give you some tips for beginners.
Learning how to ride an electric scooter is relatively easy, though becoming proficient at commuting safely in traffic requires practice. If you’re a beginner, make sure to wear a helmet, practice your riding skills, and gain some confidence before riding in mixed traffic.
Key Takeaways
- It is crucial to get in touch with your state’s department of transportation or another pertinent organization for more details as these rules can differ from state to state.
- The top speed of an e-scooter is 20 mph (32 km/h), which is faster than a bicycle but slower than a conventional car. E-scooters are sometimes subject to the same speed restrictions as bicycles, which range from 15 mph (24 km/h) in certain jurisdictions to 20 mph (32 km/h) in others.
- E-scooters are only permitted on sidewalks in some cities, while others have zero sidewalk usage restrictions.

Why does riding an electric scooter look so difficult?
It’s not that riding an electric scooter is difficult. It’s just that if you’re not used to it, it might look a little awkward at first.
You’ve never ridden a scooter before, so you don’t know what to expect. You don’t know how to move your body, or how far you can lean in different directions. You have to relearn how to balance yourself on a two-wheeled vehicle.
But that’s why it’s so much fun! It’s like learning how to walk again—you’re taking in all of these new experiences and building up your muscles and your coordination in a way that you never knew was possible. And at the end of the day, you’ll have this whole new skill set that will make every other activity easier and more fun!
You see, most people think of electric scooters as being these little things you can ride around the neighborhood and get from point A to point B without breaking a sweat. But the truth is, these things are more than just a way to get from one place to another—they’re activity in and of themselves!
For example, when you’re riding an electric scooter, you should be thinking about how much fun it is! You should be thinking about how cool it feels to be on this thing that will take you anywhere your heart desires (within reason).
So instead of trying to make riding an electric scooter look difficult (which it isn’t), let’s focus on making it look like something we would want to do all day long!
What Should You Know Before Riding An Electric Scooter?
Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular. These scooters are easy to ride, powerful, and fun. They can be used for commuting to work, going shopping, or just having fun on the weekends.
However, there are certain things that you must know before riding one. Here are some things you should know:
1. Laws regarding riding e scooters
Several laws apply when you ride electric scooters. These laws can vary by state, so it is important to contact your state’s department of transportation or other relevant agency for more information. As electric scooter riders, it is important to get a sense of the legal issues surrounding electric scooter use, here are some of the most common rules and regulations.
Speed limits
For you to ride an electric scooter safely, speed limits are important. E-scooters can travel up to 20 mph (32 km/h), which is faster than a bicycle but slower than a traditional motor vehicle. In many areas, e-scooters have the same speed limit as bicycles — 15 mph (24 km/h) in some states and 20 mph (32 km/h) in others. Some cities have reduced speed limits for e-scooters, while others don’t allow them on sidewalks at all.
Helmets and protective gear
The law may require riders to wear helmets while riding e-scooters, depending on their age and where they’re riding. In some states, riders under 18 years old must wear helmets while riding electric scooters but in others, all riders must wear helmets at all times.
However, since the laws regarding e-scooters vary, the laws above do not apply to all states.
2. What distance can my e-scooter travel on a single charge?
The distance an electric scooter can travel on a single charge is dependent on several factors. The first is the battery capacity and how much of that capacity is being used. The second is how much weight you’re carrying in cargo or on the scooter itself.
The average range for a top-quality electric scooter is about 15 miles per hour (24 km/h) at full throttle, with a fully charged battery. If you’re cruising at half power or less, you’ll get more than twice as far and if you’re using the throttle sparingly, you’ll get nearly four times as far.
3. The three braking systems in E-scooters
Braking is an important aspect of riding a scooter. It is the most important part of riding a scooter, especially if you are riding an electric scooter.
Disc Brakes
These brakes are located on both wheels and they use pads and rotors to stop the wheel’s rotation. The brake disc is made up of steel or aluminum and has a brake caliper attached to it. The brake caliper uses hydraulic pressure to squeeze the brake pads against the rotor, slowing down the wheel’s rotation.
This type of brake works very well in wet conditions because there is no need for any adjustment like with drum brakes or disc brakes (which can squeak when wet). However, they do tend to wear out faster than other types of brakes because they are subjected to more stress during use due to their large size (which means more force needs to be applied as well).
An electronic ABS braking system is a type of brake system that uses sensors to monitor the speed of each wheel. If a wheel starts to lock up, the computer tells that wheel to apply less pressure. This reduces the amount of braking force needed to stop the vehicle and helps prevent skidding.
Electronic ABS brakes are designed to improve vehicle handling and stability in emergency stops by reducing the possibility of skidding or losing control under heavy braking conditions. The system works by detecting whether your wheels are rotating at different speeds and then applying the appropriate amount of brake pressure to each wheel to get them all moving at the same speed again.
In simple terms, electronic ABS brakes use electronic sensors to determine if you’re about to lose control during hard braking and then automatically apply enough pressure to your brakes so you don’t have an accident.
- A drum braking system is used in e-scooters. It consists of a brake disc that is attached to the rear wheel and a drum. As you apply pressure on the brake lever, the disc is forced against the drum, which slows down or stops your scooter.
Drum brakes are not as efficient as disc brakes, but they can provide very good performance in wet weather conditions. Drum brakes also tend to be less expensive than discs.
- A foot brake is a safety feature that allows you to stop your e-scooter when you have not reached a speed sufficient to engage the motor. This can be useful in all kinds of situations, such as when you are going down a hill or if you have to stop suddenly because of another vehicle.
If your e-scooter has a foot brake, it should be located on the left side of the handlebar. You will feel it as soon as you touch it with your left foot.
Once pressed, the brake will stay active for about 15 seconds. This time, you’ll want to slow down and stop completely before releasing it again.
4. The maximum weight capacity of the e-scooter
E-scooter accidents happen because people aren’t aware of the maximum weight capacity of their e-scooter,
The weight capacity of an electric vehicle is very important because it tells you how much weight you can put on the scooter before it becomes unsafe.
In general, most scooters can handle users up to 220 lbs (100 kg). Some e-scooters can even handle more weight than that, but they should be used with caution.
5. Cost of charging an electric scooter
The cost of charging an electric scooter depends on several factors, including the battery capacity and the cost per kilowatt-hour. If you have a higher-capacity battery life, it will require more power to charge it fully. The higher the wattage (watts), the more expensive it will be to charge your electric scooter.
The average cost of charging an electric scooter is around $0.019 per hour for low-capacity e-scooters and $ 0.454 per hour for high-capacity e-scooters.
A Beginner’s Guide To Riding An Electric Scooter
Practical Tips For Beginners
1. Safety first!
Always wear a helmet when riding an e-scooter. It’s a law in most states, but it’s also the smart thing to do. Accidents can happen at any time, and it’s better to have a head injury than not have one at all.
2. Choose the perfect spot
It’s important to choose a place that is safe and convenient. A good place would have decent roads and sidewalks, but not too much traffic or busy intersections. If possible, you should try to find a route that avoids steep hills and other obstacles like potholes or bike lanes.
3. Test the scooter
You can do this by checking if the scooter is durable and if it can withstand the weight of a person. In addition, you need to check if any loose parts might cause problems when driving.
The next step is to ensure that you have all the keys and documents needed for driving the e-scooter. These include registration papers, insurance documents, and driver’s licenses.
Finally, after getting all these things in place, you can now start riding your new e-scooter!
What Are The Steps To Riding An Electric Scooter?
1. Raise the kickstand
Raise the kickstand as soon as you start your scooter, even if you’re just taking it from one place to another. This will ensure that the scooter doesn’t fall over while it’s running. Most accidents happen when people take off before they raise their kickstands, so this is a crucial step that should never be overlooked.
Additionally, you will need to lean forward and hold the handlebars with both hands. Place your strong leg onto the scooter deck, and once you are moving, place your strong leg on the deck behind your weak leg. This will help you keep your balance and minimize your size.
2. Start your ride by kicking off from the ground
Keep your toes pointed down and your heels slightly back to help keep your balance as you start moving forward.
Stand up straight and bend at the waist so that your body is at a 45-degree angle to the ground when you begin riding. This will help keep you steady as you go along.
3. Press the throttle steadily
Never press too hard, because this will cause the scooter to jump forward. It will be difficult to control if you suddenly accelerate or decelerate while riding on an uphill slope.
Press the throttle slowly and gently, then gradually increase the speed. You need a certain amount of practice before you can master this skill.
4. Rotate the handlebars to turn
You’ll need this step if you want to turn as well as go forward or backward. Rotate your wrists clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on which way you want to go. This is called “twisting” or “twisting the bars.”
Stick out your right elbow, then pull it back. This will rotate the handlebar clockwise and make your scooter turn right.
5. Use the breaks
The first thing that you need to do while braking is to make sure that your balance is good. You can use your foot to brake if you want to but it is better if you use both feet together because it will give you better control over your scooter.
Next, press down on the brake and keep doing so until your vehicle stops moving. Do not just push down on it once and let go because this will only cause instability in your vehicle.
Which Surface Is Best For Riding?
Pavement is the best surface for riding an e-scooter.
Pavements can be found just about anywhere and are usually very smooth and flat. They are also usually made from concrete or asphalt which makes them more durable than your average road or sidewalk. The best part about pavement is that it doesn’t have any bumps or cracks in it which means that your scooter won’t get damaged as easily when riding on it.
Compare to other surfaces like trails, sand, rocky, or even grassy.

Is It Possible To Get Hurt While Riding An Electric Scooter?
Electric scooter riding can be a great way to get around town, but it’s important to understand the risks of riding an electric scooter. An electric scooter accident can cause serious injuries or even death.
Falling off your electric scooter can lead to serious injuries such as broken bones, concussions, and spinal cord injuries. If you’ve fallen off your scooter before, you know how easy it is to get hurt while doing so. Even if you’re wearing safety gear such as a helmet or knee pads, your body can still take a beating when falling off an electric scooter.
In addition to falling off your scooter, there’s also the risk that another vehicle may hit yours or vice versa. When riding on busy streets or sidewalks, it’s important to keep an eye out for other vehicles that might hit yours unexpectedly or suddenly swerve into your path unexpectedly due to careless driving behavior by other motorists on the roadways in question.
Tips For Safe Riding
Always Wear Safety Gear
Always wear safety gear, including a helmet. The law requires you to wear a helmet when riding an e-scooter. Many people have suffered serious injuries after falling off their e-scooters. Your helmet will help protect your head, but it won’t protect you if you don’t wear it.
Wear protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible. Long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy shoes are recommended. You should also wear gloves to protect your hands from falls or crashes with other riders or objects such as street signs and curbs.
You should also wear closed shoes. It is one of the best ways to protect your feet while riding an e-scooter. The front wheel and back wheels of the scooter are made of metal and can easily be cut through soft leather or fabric shoes. Wearing closed shoes will protect your feet from being cut by these sharp parts and keep them safe in case of an accident or fall.
Practicing Makes Perfect
E-scooters are more complex than regular bikes because they have more electrical components that could malfunction or even break down during use. By practicing how to use your e-scooter, you’ll reduce the risk of crashing into something (or someone) while out on the road because you know what to expect from it in different situations. You’ll also be able to identify any issues quickly and take care of them before they become big problems!
When Should You Buy An Electric Scooter?
The answer depends on a few factors: your budget, how often you plan on using it, and how much space you have in your home or office.
The average cost of an electric scooter is $600 and the price is possible to increase depending on the brand and the size.
Are Electric Scooters Worth The Money?
Electric scooters are fun, convenient, and easy to use. They can be a great alternative to driving or taking public transportation if you live in a city and don’t want to spend money on gas or parking. And they offer a liberating feeling of freedom that makes you feel like a kid again!
Electric scooters are expensive compared to regular scooters, but they’re not as expensive as motorcycles or cars! If you want to save money on gas, insurance, and maintenance costs then an electric scooter is worth it!

Is It Hard To Ride An Electric Scooter FAQs
Is it hard to balance on an electric scooter?
If you’re an inexperienced rider, it may be quite hard to balance one. But when you get the hang of it, It is not that hard to maintain balance on an electric scooter. The scooter has wheels, so it is easier to balance on than a skateboard or a bike. It also has support bars at the front and back of the board, which helps you keep your balance. If you have never ridden an electric scooter before, then it may take some time for you to get used to riding one, but once you are used to it, it will be easy for you to ride.
Where should I put my feet on my electric scooter?
You place your feet on the footrest, which is usually located at the front of the scooter. The other is a kickstand, which can be found on some models of scooters.
The footrest is ideal for shorter rides, such as going to the store. It’s also perfect for maneuvering through tight spaces like hallways or doorways.
The kickstand will keep your scooter upright while you’re stopped, allowing you to use both hands to carry groceries or other items into your home or office. This can be especially helpful if you have limited mobility due to an injury or disability.
Do electric scooters have gears?
Electric scooters have no gears. They are controlled by a throttle and the speed can be changed by pressing this. The throttle is usually located on the handlebars and will be a lever or button where you can push it up or down to control your speed.
However, some electric scooters do have an electric motor controller and a throttle. These are known as throttle-assisted electric scooters and they are more powerful than regular electric scooters. They also tend to cost more than other types of scooters.
Can you ride an electric scooter on the road?
Yes, but it depends on where you live and what kind of bike you have. In most states, electric scooters are allowed to travel at speeds up to 20 miles per hour (mph). This means that they can legally be ridden on sidewalks or shared-use paths (like the sidewalk) but not on roads or highways. However, some cities have their own rules about how fast an electric powerful scooter can go and where they can be ridden. Some cities allow them on roads but limit their top speed to 15 mph — which is still faster than walking!
Do police stop electric scooters?
The answer to this question is yes. Police officers are authorized to stop anyone riding an electric scooter on the street.
In some places, police officers may be authorized to issue tickets for other violations as well. For example, in some cities, it’s against the law to ride an electric scooter on sidewalks or crosswalks, and police can ticket riders who do so.
In most locations, police officers can also confiscate any electric scooters they see being ridden illegally.
Electric scooters can be a fun, convenient way to get around town, but they can also be tricky to ride. If you’re just starting, here are a few tips to help you stay safe and have fun. Firstly, always wear a helmet! It’s the law in some states and it’s important for your safety. Make sure the electric scooter is in good condition before you take off – check the tires, brakes, and lights. And finally, practice in a safe area like a parking lot or playground until you feel comfortable riding on the street. With these tips in mind, you’ll be cruising around town on your electric scooter in no time!